
Dit deel van de expositie gaat over de British Broadcasting Corporation.

Lots of opportunities to find solutions
for technical problems. 

Pioneering era at the B.B.C.  
before world war two.

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Film projectiekamer

Film projectiekamer van de eerste BBC-televisiezender, van waaruit films werden uitgezonden. 

Foto van 24 augustus 1936.

Cosy amateurism at the B.B.C.

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Laying a film in the sprocket at the B.B.C.

Threading a film at the B.B.C.

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Closing the lightcap of this early recorder.

"Master control room" at the B.B.C.

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Lighting engineer is turning the knobs to the left 
to full power the lighting system. 

Knobs were operating exactly the other way around in comparison to today. 

Oh, the English.....

Studio at the B.B.C.

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Studio at the B.B.C.

Studio at the B.B.C.

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